Thursday, November 1, 2007

Excerpts From The Coconuter

I found this blog on a very boring All Saints Day. The author is a 20++ Filipino-American David Eric "The Coconuter" Poarch from Texas who now lives in a remote town in the province of Zambales. While more Filipinos want to get out of the Philippines he on the other hand left the comforts and financial ease of living in the US, a full scholarship to an elite "Ivy League" US college, and essentially the whole American Dream in order to become a modern nomad in the Philippines. Perhaps life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and searching and understanding the meaning to it all is a large part of the reason.

Some catchy lines from his blogs:
Is it “Nothing ventured, nothing gained?” or “Nothing ventured, nothing lost?”

It really is amazing how well nature heals and preserves itself from its own catastrophic occurrences. It's disturbing, though, how a massive volcanic eruption spewing tons of ash cannot permanently silence the life of the land, but man can.

Read more from his blog at

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